❝ If you think of giving up, you gave up already. - Huang ZiTao ❞

love everything you have
Wednesday 16 April 2014 @ 19:14

This is just a sharing that I think means a lot to me. 

My uncle passed away a few weeks ago, he left his wife and his 2 years old daughter. A few weeks later, my other uncle passed away leaving his wife and few of his kids on Monday if I am not mistaken. My aunt who lost his husband on Monday said that 'I feel very sorry for her(my other uncle's wife). But I never thought that the next person who would feel the same is me.' I am pretty close with my first uncle and he spills everything to my mom who would always be there for him in everything. When he passed away, I feel very regretful for I could't help him in his bad times and be close to him when he needs some voices to speak for him. I feel very sorry for his family. And that's when I realized ; you never will appreciate something unless it's gone. 

And I realized about how bad I have treated the love of my life. How I don't appreciate him every single day of my life and how I always forgotten that he is my everything. I did not treat him the way he deserve it. I realized that when he's gone (IF.), I will regret everything. He deserves being called 'sweetheart' or 'sayang' as he always calls me that. He deserves every single hugs and kisses because he did it emotionally, not physically. Every time when it's time to part ways to go home and he say 'I love you' to me, it feels like he's hugging and kissing me. It feels like he's giving all his love to me which is beautiful but I never realized that I never give him the love he deserves. And if I don't show him how much I love him, how much I appreciate him and how much I am grateful to have such an amazing guy in my life, I might regret it for the rest of my life. From that moment, I always try to spend more time with him, talking and laughing with him, understand him more and cherish every single moment we have together because you will never know. It might be the last time that you will ever spend time together. And I don't want to waste any time. I want to be with him every single day because maybe tomorrow will never come.

Know this ;
Love everything you have before life teaches you to love what you have lost. 



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