❝ If you think of giving up, you gave up already. - Huang ZiTao ❞

end of examination
Sunday 20 October 2013 @ 06:31

Aloha. I'm back from the tiring examination. Oh my goodness, this torturing journey ended after almost two weeks. Finally, I can breath calmly. For this time, it's not about how it all went out for the entire examination, it's about my freaking examination result. I can tell you, I improved for some subjects but have done hell on some subjects, which, made sense. 

Let's start with the teras subjects first. I got 69, 1 mark away to get a B flat, which is quite disappointing. I scored on paper 1 instead of paper 2, I expected that to happen. It did. I scored 36 out of 40 on English paper 1. My paper 2 score is currently unknown. I beat my rival, finally. On Chinese, I did the hell out of everything. I failed. I got 28 this time. I am disappointed, I expected more. But my friends failed, so I'm fine with everything. On Maths, thank God, I passed. 53. A great start for a mathematics-fool like me. On Science, I got 68. I did not expect that. I crashed my butt off in Paper 1. *freaking out* For History, for the first time, I beat some of my rivals. 84. That's 1 mark away from getting a A flat. I tried my best to gain 1 more mark so I can get an A, but my hard work is not paying off. 

Then it's the non-teras subject. I got 88, an A flat for PJK. Even though it is not a teras subject, but I am very grateful to score an A. On Moral, I got 82. I did a lot of mistakes and I am regretting it. Ugh. For Sivik,  I got 68. The question is harder than you will ever think of, trust me. 

There are some more paper that is not given just yet, and I don't look forward to it. But here's to happiness after the torturing 2013 examination. I'll try harder next year. Study my butt off for PBSMR. Anyway, we're getting closer to our long-term examination.


Photos from: tumblr.com



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